Our new Github integration is now live in (closed) beta. Make the switch now before the rush and reap the benefits of close developer support.
We've just released major updates of our Universal Coverage Reporter, Github Action and Orb for CircleCI.
We've expanded your options for connecting with Coveralls Support, including scheduling live support sessions by video or chat.
A full re-write of our documentation lays the foundation for a better onboarding experience.
We've refined those first few pages you see after joining Coveralls or adding a repo, with the goal of getting you up-and-running faster than ever before.
This is a big update, folks! All the new features we’ve announced over the last week—plus more coming soon—and full details on our plan and price changes for 2023. Don't miss it.
We’ve been attacking Bitbucket issues in our backlog. Now we want to close the support gap for Bitbucket at Coveralls and we need your help testing PR Comments.
We're happy to announce better support for monorepos, including Carryforward Flags and UI Improvements.
From our team to yours, thanks for another year of your business and support. It being the holidays, it’s our pleasure to announce some new features—some here now, some in beta—that we’ll be posting about in coming weeks.